FSX server

Do you have a group of guys that you like to fly with but you never find the right server what has the right settings or weather?

We provide an FSX multiplayer server that can be accommodated to your needs but you may not be the only one that would like to use it.

I you would like to use the server please:

  1. To book the server, please click here.
  2. let us know what you would like the server for.
  3. Let us know when you need it
  4. List what settings, time, weather, name etc.
  5. Lastly, specify whether you would like it to be a public or private session

We do our best to accommodate everyone's needs but please understand that we only provide our server for reasonable requests.

We're based in Australia so there may be a chance that the server is not available because inevitable things e.g. work or time of day/night.